Coaching Please

Coaching works.


Do you have an outcome you’re looking to achieve?
Is there something you’d like clarity on?
Do you have a goal you’re looking to advance?
A problem you want to solve?
Is there a change you want to make or a transformation you’d like to experience? 
Are you looking to create something, or do you want something to happen? 

If so, I can tell you for a fact, that all these things will happen sooner with the help of a coach. That doesn’t mean you can’t do it yourself; it just means you can do it faster with a coach. 

If you’re interested in learning more, or just want to have a conversation, the coaches listed here would love to connect with you.

It only takes two words: "coaching please".



I've created this site to bring coaching and all the benefits it offers to as many people as possible.  This site is intended to provide you with information and resources that you will find helpful. I also want to introduce you to the many amazing coaches I've come across in the industry.  

Look around, kick some tires and when you're ready reach out to myself or one of my colleagues. Every journey starts with the first step.  The first step is as simple as deciding "coaching please!"

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Use AI to write your quote book.

In September 2024 I'm starting a year long program to get my own quote book written and I'd love for you to join me. I've been wanting to do this for 2 years and I'm finally making it happen.  If you want to learn more, click the button.

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International Coach Directory

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Greg Fisher

Certified CLARITY Coach


"It's universal, insights change lives."                                     

- Greg Fisher

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Elaine Wright

Certified CLARITY Coach


"Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you."

- Byron Katie

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Lynne Brannigan

Transformation Coach


 “You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” 

- Martin Luther King Jr.

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Marie Arymar, Realisation Works

Clarity Coach, specialising in younger people and parents

United Kingdom

My vision: to help erase the bottom third of younger people from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) waiting list, by guiding them to the innate self-confidence and self-worth which already resides within them.

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Darlene Tindall

Transformational Coach and Mentor                                 

Canada (Living abroad)

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you truly love. It will not lead you astray."

- Rumi


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Dr. Johannes Metzler

Transformative Executive Coach                                 


"Coaching is the art of helping others see that everything they need is already inside of them."

- Dr. Johannes Metzler


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Featured Programs

Open Office Hours (FREE)

Offered by Greg Fisher

Do you have a problem you'd like to solve? 

Do you have a goal you're looking to achieve? 

Is there a transformation you're looking to make in your life? 

Are you curious about what it's like to be coached? 

Join one of my office hours and see what happens. Find a program that resonates with you and sign up. I hope to see you soon.

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Your Best Year Yet

Offered by Greg Fisher


Does it seem possible to you that 2024 could be your best year yet?  I'm reminded of a Stephen Covey quote,

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." 

  Click the "Learn More" link and find out how we can work together to create a 2024 to remember.

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Content Hub (Free Content)

Offered by Greg Fisher


Our FREE content hub offers you access to many hours of valuable content.  You'll be able to learn hot to "Get 💩Done", you'll improve your time management skills with our "Time Management Hacks", and so much more. 

Click the button and get a tour of everything we have on offer. It's FREE to sign up, just enter your name and email and you'll have instant access.

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Get Sh*t Done (Paid Program)

Offered by Greg Fisher

Do you have an idea that you want to bring into the world, but haven't for some reason?  Are you stuck and can't see the next step in bringing a webinar, course, book, post to life?  

I'm here to help you. 

I offer 3 different formats of this program.  1) Self-Study, 2) Group, 3) 1:1 Partner

Check out the details on the main program page and watch the Free Mini Masterclass. You can register for the self-study program at any time.  Registration for the group program is open.  There are only 10 spots.  Program runs Set 12-Oct31, 2023.

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Time Management Hacks (FREE)

Offered by Team Unleash Your Potential.

Are you feeling overwhelmed?  Are there just not enough hours in the day? Are you struggling to keep your head above water?  

Then these Time Management Hacks are for you.  Check out this FREE program and take your time management to a new level.


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How to Overcome Stuckness and Frazzle (FREE)

Offered by Elaine Wright Coaching

So you feel stuck and frazzled?  You're not alone.  But the good news is, there is a way out.  In this FREE Webinar, coach Elaine Wright will share her approach to overcoming stuckness and frazzle.

The first step is signing up for the FREE webinar.


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Coach - 2 - Coach

Learn about the world of coaching from some amazing coaches. Watch this compilation video here, or click the button to visit the Coach-2-Coach page and watch all the episodes.

You can also find Coach-2-Coach on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

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Resources For You

You may find some of these resources helpful. Some of these resources are websites with free content, some lead to free offers requiring you to sign up, some are paid programs.  Explore and check out what interests you and leave the rest behind.

Coaches Exploring Clarity

In this series we explore the second edition of Jamie Smart's CLARITY. 

We wanted to take this opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the principles behind CLARITY.  We share our insights and discuss what's having the most impact for us and our clients.

New episodes will be published each week until we've worked our way through the entire book.


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Coaches Exploring The 7 Habits

In this series we explore Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

After reviewing CLARITY by Jamie Smart, we were curious to see what it would be like to review other books from a principles behind clarity persoective.  Covey's 7 Habits was the first one we wanted to explore. 

Be sure to read the book first, then watch the videos. We hope you enhoy watching as much as we enjoyed making these.


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Coaches Exploring The Untethered Soul

In this series we explore Michael A. Singer's book The Untethered Soul. This book is a real game changer for undertsanding who you really are. 

The keys to your freedom from your inner roommate (that voice inside your head) are here for the taking. If you're caught up in all your thinking and wish your mind would just slow down, this series is for you. Get a copy of the book and follow along with us as we explore and reflect on each chapter.

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Coaches Exploring Songs

In this series we explore song lyrics and videos to see what we see from a principles behind clarity perspective.  

Music is a universal language and the principles are themselves, universal, so it's interesting to see what we see, hear what we hear, and feel what we feel when listening to these songs. 

We hope you enjoy listening to these songs as much as we did.

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The Insight Games

In this series we give people a chance to have a coaching experience in a somewhat random way.

We spin the wheel and play the Insight Game that comes up. We never know what game we'll play or what the client /contestant will want to explore, but we do know that we'll do it with love and care and curiosity and with complete faith that insight and realization will bring our contestant what they need.   

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After a profound insight into the true nature of the mind in 1973, Banks spent the latter part of his life sharing that insight with all who would listen. The result was the development of an understanding of what Banks called The Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought.

At you can access many of his recordings and be inspired to live a content and full life.

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An Experiment with Silence

In this series of 15 minute videos, I read aloud a section of the book, "The Missing Link", by Sydney Banks, and then sit in silence for the balance of the 15 minutes.

I invite you to watch and reflect on these powerful words and concepts that Mr. Banks uses to point us to who we really are, and how our experience is created.



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Interview Simulator

The best way to be ready is to practice.  This old adage holds true for job interviews.  That's where Interview Simulator comes in.  You can read and listen to interview questions being asked. 

You can record yourself answering them and then review how you did.  The more reps you do, the better you'll get and the more ready you'll be when the interview is for real.

Start with our Free 5-Day challenge.

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5 Minutes of Silience

"People think silience is empty, but its full of answers." 

Visit this page and discover a number of different visual slide shows, each 5 minutes long.  Close your eyes or watch the slides, as you sit in silence and find a quiet state of mind.



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5 Minutes of Reflection

Listen to some soothing sounds while you let your mind drift into a quiet, clear space. 

Choose from 5 different versions. Enjoy the peaceful state of mind that comes from 5 minutes of reflection.




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Exploring Words.


Words are powerful. Our words can get us in trouble, out of trouble, bring a smile to a face, and trigger rage. I've taken a look at some common words I come across in my coaching practice.  Check out the page and see if these words look different to you after watching the videos.


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Inspiration for you.

I recently came across this poem by Greg Kimura in a course I'm taking. It really resonated with me and aligns well with my mission to unleash potential (mine and yours). You can learn more about this poem by clicking the button. (Note: I'm not affiliated with that site or the author, I just really like the poem and want to share it.)

Special thanks to Gillian Christison for providing the narration.


Greg Fisher

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More inspiration for you.


This article was recently shared with me. I liked it so much that I used AI to narrate it and I created this little video so I can listen and be inspired whenever I need a boost.

I hope you like it. 

You can visit the source page by clicking below.


Greg Fisher

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Dear Syd

I had the honor of submitting a letter to Syd Banks, as part of a project that Rob Cook organized.  This collection of letters convey the heartfelt gratitude of those that have been touched by Syd's work. These letters are filled with stories of hope, gratitude and love.

In the introduction of Syd's book, The Missing Link, Syd writes: 

"If these writings bring a second chance of life to just one human being, my work has not been in vain."

These letters are but a small sample of the impact Sydney Banks has had in the world. Rest assured Mr. Banks, your work has not been in vain! 

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Are you a coach?

We have stuff you might be interested in.

One of my gifts is the ability to get stuff done quickly, without thinking too much about what-if. So, if you're a coach and you're stuck somewhere on your journey, I might be able to support you. Check out my 'Coaching Please Colleagues' offering.

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