Welcome! I'm so excited you're here.
Part of my unique expression is being of service to my colleagues. Whether it's peer coaching, interviewing my peers for Coach-2-Coach, or building web-pages or programs, I just love helping where I can.
Who is this for?
Is becoming a 'Coaching Please Colleague" for you?

You're a coach.

You want to increase your visibility.

You've been stuck, until now.
What is on offer?
As a 'Coaching Please Colleague', I'll work with you to increase your visibility and get you unstuck. I've got your back!

Coach-2-Coach Program.
Be my guest on my program Coach-2-Coach. These interviews usually take 20-30 minutes. You'll get a video you can post or use as you see fit. I'll post your episode on my page and social media.

Your personal page.
Using my webpage template I can create your own personal webpage for your coaching business. For coaches who are just starting out this is a great opportunity to have a page that you can direct potential clients to where they can learn about you and get in touch with you for coaching. The best part is the price....FREE! Check out this sample page.

Launch your program.
Have you dreamt of launching a webinar or course but you've been stuck somewhere along the way or couldn't afford a platform. I'll help you get your program to market by supporting you with as much or as little help as you need. Interested? Let me know and we can figure out the best way to partner together. There's no up front costs and no obligations. Let's connect. Click to see an example of a program I helped Elaine Wright with.
Interested yet? Let's connect.
Having worked with a number of coaches who have been "stuck", I see a common dance going on behind the scenes. One voice is saying "I need to get out there, I want to do this."
While another voice, usually a louder one, is saying "This is risky. What if I fail? What if no one contacts me? What if I get criticized?" and so on.
I'm going to sound like a terrible coach, but I can tell you with near certainty that all those negative things are possible. In fact, they're highly probable. But, the problem isn't that you'll be criticized, or be exposing yourself to failure and ridicule. The problem is you don't think you can handle it.
I'm here to to tell you that you can handle it. In fact, I'm certain of it. How do I know? Well, because you were born with an innate capacity for resilience, for insight, and for well being. You're part of humanity and have the benefit of millions of years of evolution on your side. Evolution that has equipped you to survive and thrive, no matter the circumstances.
In this moment ignore the chorus of negative voices and tune into your passion and your heart's desire. Tune into that part of you that wants to bring your gifts to the world.
Click the button and book a call with me, and the rest will fall into place.
What my partners have said about working with me:
"Without Greg I wouldn’t have even known where to start , it’s incredible! In only a few weeks after working with him my webinar is ready to launch."
- Elaine Wright
Program: How to Overcome Stuckness & Frazzle
See Program