Coaching Please: Office Hours
That's a wrap folks! This round of office hours is now complete. Stay tuned for details on our next round.
(TBD - Likely Back To School.)
After 10 weeks of office hours there is lots of work and reflection to do. I've used these hours to create content, flush out ideas, work with some great people and most of all had fun. I'll take a couple weeks to clean some things up, reflect and decide on next steps for each of these programs and office hours in general. Thank you to those that attended and followed along.
Do you ever feel like you need a little support, a shoulder to lean on, someone to talk to who won't judge? I know I do.
That's why I've created free, open open office hours for a number of my programs. Find a program that resonates with you and register for the free zoom laser coaching calls.
Each call will begin with me sharing a little bit of information, followed by an invitation for laser coaching. If there are multiple peole who want coaching, we'll keep the sessions short 10-20 minutes, and use up the hour as best we can.
Watch this short video for more information on what to expect. I hope to see you on one of the calls.
Each week I'll be adding content from the office hours sessions onto the pages for each program. Visit each program page to check it out (By clicking on the logos below for each program).

Happy Hockey Dad
Are you a hockey dad? Are you happy? Would you like to be happier more of the time?
Then you're in the right place. Join me for Happy Hockey Dad office hours on Tuesdays at 2pm on these dates:
January 23, February 6, February 20, March 5, March 19
Sign up here to get the zoom link details for these office hour calls.
(Click the logo for program details -->)
Register NowLet's Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet
Do you have things you want to accomplish in 2024? Or do you need to start by figuring that out first? Either way, I'd love to support you to make 2024 your best year yet.
Join me for office hours on Wednesdays at 12pm on these dates:
January 24, February 7, February 21, March 6, March 20
Sign up here to get the zoom link details for these office hour calls.
(Click the logo for program details -->)
Register NowGet Sh*t Done
Are you stuck? Do you ever wonder how other people are getting more stuff done than you? Do you feel like your feet are nailed to the starting blocks and you can't get off the line?
Then you're in the right place. Join me for office hours on Thursdays at 12pm on these dates:
January 25, February 8, February 22, March 7, March 21
Sign up here to get the zoom link details for these office hour calls.
(Click the logo for program details -->)
Register NowIn the Zone:
Clarity Coaching for Athletes
Are an athlete looking to perform better, more consistently and when it matters most? Are you in a slump or have you hit a plateau that you want to overcome? Are you just not enjoying your sport like you want to and you're unsure how to get back to the love for the game?
Then you're in the right place. Join me for office hours on Tuesdays at 2pm on these dates:
January 30, February 13, February 27, March 12, March 26
Sign up here to get the zoom link details for these office hour calls.
(Click the logo for program details -->)
Register NowLeadership for Managers and Entrepreneurs
Are a manager or entrepreneur looking to level up your leadership skills? Are you constantly under pressure, feeling overwhelmed and having difficulty prioritizing? Do you feel like you're one step ahead of being found out?
Then you're in the right place. Join me for office hours on Wednesdays at 12pm on these dates:
January 31, February 14, February 28, March 13, March 27
Sign up here to get the zoom link details for these office hour calls.
(Click the logo for program details -->)
Register NowInterview Simulator
Are a preparing for an upcoming interview? Are you proactively preparing in hopes of getting interviewed?
Then you're in the right place. Join me for office hours on Thursdays at 12pm on these dates:
February 1, February 15, February 29, March 14, March 28
Sign up here to get the zoom link details for these office hour calls.
(Click the logo for program details -->)
Register Now1:1 Coaching is available.
If none of our programs aligns with your specific needs, or if you'd prefer the privacy and focussed attention that 1:1 coaching provides, you can book a free break through call with me.
Schedule a Call